French Toast For Dinner?
What do you do when your parents are gone and there's not that much food in the house? My answer: Make french toast, drizzle whipped cream and syrup on it, then plop down on the couch and turn on a girly movie to watch with your sister. (translation for my not-so-girly family: Captain America or Harry Potter) I happen to think that most of the whipped cream skipped the french toast and landed in my sister's mouth when I wasn't watching....but don't take my word for it.
Dinner with the Backes'!! Whipped cream galore!!
Well, I bet you're wondering why we were home alone. My parents were gone with Natalie in the States, so we jumped from house to house for awhile, before finally coming back and staying with a family that lives in our complex, so we could spend most of the time at our house.
On a trip to the store with my friend
Rachel in a Badjiji!
The first couple of days we spent with a family of three girls, and the next stop was a house with four girls! (I can't guarantee you that we got a good night's sleep most of the time, but it was a ton of fun!) The last house had one girl and two very sweet, albeit energetic, boys. I also had my best friend over while my sister was at a lock in. You have no idea how quiet and creepy the house can seen if you're used to four other people living in it!! (We made cookies and Korean food)
That was when we spent our time, as my mom puts it, "adulting". Now, don't get the wrong idea, we were not out partying and drinking champagne! We went shopping for groceries, mopped, swept, dusted, did laundry, fried some cabbage, made lunches for school, watered the plants, cleaned the car (accidentally bumped something and couldn't figure out how to turn it off...) and some other stuff.
Growing up as an MK, sometimes you'll find yourself in these kinds of situations, where parents have to leave for emergencies, conferences, trips, health issues, or prolonged furlough. For my sister and I, this has happened twice before, and we're completely used to this.
MK's go through these experiences, and learn from them. For example, last time (this is kinda embarrassing) I was trying to make soup for my parents to have food when they came back, and the recipe online was wrong (thanks a lot) and it called for a large amount of salt. I put in half the amount, and it was still gag-choke-cough nasty.
Thankfully, Mrs. Grover gave some amazing advice and I managed to salvage it. But, in hindsight, I learned that 1 1/2 tablespoons of salt is a just a wee bit much for a pot of soup.
This time, I learned a few more important lessons. If you're cleaning the car, make sure that if you think you turned the blinkers on, instead of moving the levers up and down trying every combination you can think of, check the hazards/emergency flashers first!! When you want to check how much water is in the water tank and it's too tall for you to see, give up before you try climbing it. (Not the best idea, as I found out) On a school night, if you set your alarm on your phone and you don't want to be woken up with half an hour to get ready, make sure it's charged....
Other than that, I didn't burn the house down while cooking, blow a fuse, blow something up, or break anything. (The last one could be disputed, however).
These situations and experiences teach us little life lessons that will be very helpful later on. MKs have an amazing opportunity to learn life lessons that many kids don't get to learn this early on. Once, I had to fly by myself to Cape Town, and I was too old to be an unaccompanied minor in SA (that kinda set my mom on edge). But it taught me a ton! There are all of those experiences that teach us many little lessons that may seem simple to adults, but often times not taught at such an early age, like how to pack extremely light! (Those airlines get kinda nitpicky!)
Just as a fun little reminder, don't take these lessons for granted! Learn from them, make the most of them, and don't ignore them! Trust me, I know some adults who seem to not know the meaning of "light packing", and I'm tellin ya, it can cause some headaches if you ignore those life lessons when you're given them. (Just go and ask the people who have to pay 40 bucks at the airline counter cause they packed for two months instead of two weeks) :D
P.S. Just a fun little note, the weather feel here is 100.4 Fahrenheit. I think I'm melting.
Dinner with the Backes'!! Whipped cream galore!!
Well, I bet you're wondering why we were home alone. My parents were gone with Natalie in the States, so we jumped from house to house for awhile, before finally coming back and staying with a family that lives in our complex, so we could spend most of the time at our house.
On a trip to the store with my friend
Rachel in a Badjiji!
That was when we spent our time, as my mom puts it, "adulting". Now, don't get the wrong idea, we were not out partying and drinking champagne! We went shopping for groceries, mopped, swept, dusted, did laundry, fried some cabbage, made lunches for school, watered the plants, cleaned the car (accidentally bumped something and couldn't figure out how to turn it off...) and some other stuff.
Growing up as an MK, sometimes you'll find yourself in these kinds of situations, where parents have to leave for emergencies, conferences, trips, health issues, or prolonged furlough. For my sister and I, this has happened twice before, and we're completely used to this.
MK's go through these experiences, and learn from them. For example, last time (this is kinda embarrassing) I was trying to make soup for my parents to have food when they came back, and the recipe online was wrong (thanks a lot) and it called for a large amount of salt. I put in half the amount, and it was still gag-choke-cough nasty.
Thankfully, Mrs. Grover gave some amazing advice and I managed to salvage it. But, in hindsight, I learned that 1 1/2 tablespoons of salt is a just a wee bit much for a pot of soup.
Babysitting the Grovers, and having fun with food! |
This time, I learned a few more important lessons. If you're cleaning the car, make sure that if you think you turned the blinkers on, instead of moving the levers up and down trying every combination you can think of, check the hazards/emergency flashers first!! When you want to check how much water is in the water tank and it's too tall for you to see, give up before you try climbing it. (Not the best idea, as I found out) On a school night, if you set your alarm on your phone and you don't want to be woken up with half an hour to get ready, make sure it's charged....
Other than that, I didn't burn the house down while cooking, blow a fuse, blow something up, or break anything. (The last one could be disputed, however).
These situations and experiences teach us little life lessons that will be very helpful later on. MKs have an amazing opportunity to learn life lessons that many kids don't get to learn this early on. Once, I had to fly by myself to Cape Town, and I was too old to be an unaccompanied minor in SA (that kinda set my mom on edge). But it taught me a ton! There are all of those experiences that teach us many little lessons that may seem simple to adults, but often times not taught at such an early age, like how to pack extremely light! (Those airlines get kinda nitpicky!)
Just as a fun little reminder, don't take these lessons for granted! Learn from them, make the most of them, and don't ignore them! Trust me, I know some adults who seem to not know the meaning of "light packing", and I'm tellin ya, it can cause some headaches if you ignore those life lessons when you're given them. (Just go and ask the people who have to pay 40 bucks at the airline counter cause they packed for two months instead of two weeks) :D
P.S. Just a fun little note, the weather feel here is 100.4 Fahrenheit. I think I'm melting.
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